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IC Engines and Nuclear Power Plants interview questions

Question 1: The thermal efficiency of a standard Otto cycle for a compression ratio of 5.5 will be


Question 2:In a four stroke cycle, the minimum temperature inside the engine cylinder occurs at the

beginning of suction stroke

Question 3:The diesel engines are also known as __________ engines.

compression ignition

Question 4: The reference fuels for knock rating of spark ignition engines would include

normal heptane and iso-octane

Question 5:The ratio of the volume of charge admitted at N.T.P. to the swept volume of the piston is called

volumetric efficiency

Question 6:The exhaust valve in a four stroke cycle petrol engine

opens at 50° before bottom dead centre and closes at 15° after top dead centre

Question 7:Nuclear reactors are used

to produce heat for thermoelectric power

to produce fissionable material

to propel ships, submarines, aircrafts

Question 8:A moderator generally used in nuclear power plants is

graphite and concrete

Question 9:The predominent isotope of the naturally occuring element is


Question 10:The brake power of a diesel engine, keeping other parameters constant, can be increased by

increasing the pressure of intake air

Question 11:The expansion of fuel in a four stroke cycle diesel engine

starts at 15° after top dead centre and ends at 30° before bottom dead centre

Question 12:The object of supercharging the engine is

to reduce mass ofthe engine per brake power

to reduce space occupied by the engine

to increase the power output of an engine when greater power is required

Question 13:In a four stroke cycle petrol engine, the charge is ignited at

30° before top dead centre

Question 14: A moderator, in nuclear power plants, is a medium introduced into the fuel mass in order to

slow down the speed of fast moving neutrons

Question 15:Where reactor operation is designed with fast neutrons such as in reactors using highly enriched fuel, the moderator used is

no moderator is needed

Question 16:In a diesel engine, the duration between the time of injection and ignition, is known as

delay period

Question 17: Reactors for propulsion applications are designed for

enriched uranium

Question 18:The primary fuel used in nuclear power plants is


Question 19:The compensating jet in a carburettor supplies almost constant amount of petrol at all speeds because the

flow is produced due to the static head in the float chamber

Question 20:The purpose of testing an internal combustion engine is

to determine the information, which can not be obtained by calculations

to conform the data used in design, the validity of which may be doubtful

to satisfy the customer regarding the performance of the engine


it pathshaala : India

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