Introduction to Assertions and Error Handling Practices

Error handling is a crucial aspect of writing reliable and robust programs in C. While C does not have built-in exception handling like other high-level languages, developers can use various techniques to handle errors gracefully. Two important techniques for error detection and handling in C are assertions and error handling practices.

1. Assertions in C

An assertion is a debugging tool used to check assumptions made by the program during runtime. Assertions are typically used to verify that certain conditions hold true during the execution of the program. If the assertion condition evaluates to false, the program will terminate with an error message, which helps in identifying and fixing bugs early in the development process.

Using the assert Macro

In C, assertions are implemented using the assert() macro, which is defined in the assert.h header file. The syntax for using assert() is as follows:

    #include <assert.h>


If the condition is false, the assert() macro will terminate the program and display an error message. If the condition is true, the program continues executing as normal.

Example of Assertion

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <assert.h>

    int divide(int a, int b) {
        assert(b != 0);  // Assertion to check for division by zero
        return a / b;

    int main() {
        int result = divide(10, 0);  // This will trigger the assertion
        printf("Result: %d\n", result);
        return 0;

In the above example, the divide function uses an assertion to check if the denominator b is zero before performing division. If b is zero, the assertion will fail, and the program will terminate with an error message.

Disabling Assertions

Assertions can be disabled in production code by defining the NDEBUG macro before including the assert.h header file. When NDEBUG is defined, the assert() macro has no effect:

    #define NDEBUG
    #include <assert.h>

This is useful when you want to disable assertions in release versions of the program to improve performance.

2. Error Handling Practices in C

In C, error handling is typically done using return values, global error variables, or error codes. Since C does not have built-in exception handling, developers often rely on these techniques to catch and handle errors.

Using Return Values for Error Handling

A common practice in C is to use the return value of functions to indicate success or failure. Functions that perform operations which may fail (e.g., file operations, memory allocation) often return an error code or a special value to indicate failure.

Example of Return Value Error Handling

    #include <stdio.h>

    int divide(int a, int b) {
        if (b == 0) {
            return -1;  // Return error code if division by zero
        return a / b;

    int main() {
        int result = divide(10, 0);
        if (result == -1) {
            printf("Error: Division by zero\n");
        } else {
            printf("Result: %d\n", result);
        return 0;

In this example, the divide function checks for division by zero and returns -1 to indicate an error. In the main function, we check the result and print an error message if division by zero occurred.

Using errno for Error Handling

The errno variable, defined in the errno.h header file, is used to store error codes generated by system calls and library functions. After an error occurs, the value of errno is set to a specific error code that can be used to determine the cause of the error.

Example of Using errno

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <string.h>

    int main() {
        FILE *file = fopen("non_existent_file.txt", "r");
        if (file == NULL) {
            printf("Error: %s\n", strerror(errno));  // Print error message based on errno
        return 0;

In the above example, the program attempts to open a non-existent file. If the file cannot be opened, the fopen function returns NULL, and the error message associated with errno is printed using the strerror() function.

Using perror() for Error Reporting

The perror() function, defined in stdio.h, can be used to print a descriptive error message based on the value of errno. It is often used after system calls that set errno to report the error.

Example of Using perror()

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <errno.h>

    int main() {
        FILE *file = fopen("non_existent_file.txt", "r");
        if (file == NULL) {
            perror("Error opening file");
        return 0;

In this example, if the file cannot be opened, the program calls perror() to print an error message along with a description of the error (based on the value of errno).


Assertions and error handling practices are essential tools in C programming for ensuring code reliability and robustness. Assertions help catch programming mistakes during development, while error handling techniques like return values, errno, and perror() are crucial for detecting and responding to errors during runtime. By applying these techniques, you can write more stable and error-resistant C programs.
