Jump Statements in C# Programming


Jump statements in C# are used to control the flow of execution in loops or methods. These statements allow you to exit or skip parts of code, making the program's flow more flexible. The most commonly used jump statements are break, continue, goto, and return.

Break Statement

The break statement is used to exit from a loop or switch statement prematurely. It immediately terminates the innermost loop or switch that it is contained in.



Example: Break in a Loop

    using System;
   class Program
        static void Main()
            for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                if (i == 3)
                    break; // Exits the loop when i equals 3
                Console.WriteLine("Iteration: " + i);


    Iteration: 1
    Iteration: 2


The loop runs until the variable i becomes 3. When i == 3, the break statement is executed, which exits the loop before it completes the full 5 iterations.

Continue Statement

The continue statement is used to skip the current iteration of a loop and proceed with the next iteration. It only affects the current iteration and does not terminate the loop.



Example: Continue in a Loop

    using System;
   class Program
        static void Main()
            for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
                if (i == 3)
                    continue; // Skips iteration when i equals 3
                Console.WriteLine("Iteration: " + i);


    Iteration: 1
    Iteration: 2
    Iteration: 4
    Iteration: 5


When i == 3, the continue statement is executed, which skips the code in that iteration and moves to the next one. As a result, the output does not include "Iteration: 3".

Goto Statement

The goto statement is used to transfer control to another part of the program. This statement is generally not recommended for everyday use because it can make the code harder to understand and maintain. However, it can be useful in certain scenarios like breaking out of nested loops.


    goto label;

Example: Goto Statement

    using System;
   class Program
        static void Main()
            int i = 0;
            if (i < 5)
                Console.WriteLine("Iteration: " + i);
                goto startLoop; // Jumps back to startLoop label


    Iteration: 0
    Iteration: 1
    Iteration: 2
    Iteration: 3
    Iteration: 4


The goto statement causes the program to jump back to the startLoop label, repeating the loop until i is no longer less than 5.

Return Statement

The return statement is used to exit from a method and optionally return a value. When used inside a method, it immediately stops the execution of that method and returns control to the calling code. If the method is supposed to return a value, the return statement can be used to specify that value.


    return; // Exits the method without returning a value
    return value; // Exits the method and returns a value

Example: Return Statement

    using System;
   class Program
        static void Main()
            int result = Add(5, 3);
            Console.WriteLine("Sum: " + result);
       static int Add(int a, int b)
            return a + b; // Returns the sum of a and b


    Sum: 8


The Add method takes two integers, adds them, and returns the result. The return statement exits the method and returns the computed value to the calling code.

Summary of Jump Statements

  • Break: Exits a loop or switch statement prematurely.
  • Continue: Skips the current iteration of a loop and moves to the next iteration.
  • Goto: Transfers control to another part of the program, usually used with labels. (Not commonly recommended for general use.)
  • Return: Exits a method and optionally returns a value to the caller.


Jump statements like break, continue, goto, and return provide flexibility in controlling the flow of execution in C# programs. While break and continue are common in loops, return is essential for method execution. The goto statement should be used sparingly, as it can reduce code clarity.
