Routing URLs using in Django

In Django, routing URLs is a fundamental feature that maps incoming HTTP requests to the appropriate view functions or class-based views. This is done using the file. This article explains how to route URLs step by step with examples.

Step 1: Understanding URLs in Django

The file in Django defines the URL patterns that map to views in the project or app. Each URL pattern is associated with a specific view function or class-based view to handle the request.

Step 2: Structure of

A typical file includes:

  • Importing the path function for defining URL patterns.
  • Mapping each URL pattern to a view.
  • Optionally, including app-specific URL configurations.

Example of a basic

            from django.contrib import admin
            from django.urls import path
            from myapp import views

            urlpatterns = [
                path('', views.home, name='home'),

Here, the root URL / is mapped to the home view in the myapp.

Step 3: Defining URL Patterns

The path() function is used to define URL patterns. It takes the following arguments:

  • route: A string defining the URL pattern.
  • view: The view function or class to handle the request.
  • kwargs: Optional keyword arguments passed to the view.
  • name: A unique name for the URL pattern, useful for reverse URL resolution.


            path('about/', views.about, name='about'),

This maps the URL /about/ to the about view.

Step 4: Including App-Specific URLs

For modularity, each app can have its own Include app URLs in the project's main

            from django.urls import path, include

            urlpatterns = [
                path('blog/', include('blog.urls')),  # Include blog app URLs

The include() function tells Django to look for in the blog app.

Step 5: Using Dynamic URLs

Dynamic URLs allow capturing values from the URL and passing them to the view. Example:

            path('post//', views.post_detail, name='post_detail'),

In this example, <int:id> captures an integer value from the URL and passes it to the post_detail view as the id parameter.

View function:

            def post_detail(request, id):
                return HttpResponse(f"Post ID: {id}")

Step 6: Regular Expressions in URLs

Before Django 2.0, regular expressions were used for URL patterns. With Django 2.0 and later, the path() and re_path() functions make routing simpler. To use regular expressions, you can use re_path():

            from django.urls import re_path

            urlpatterns = [
                re_path(r'^archive/(?P<year>[0-9]{4})/$', views.archive, name='archive'),

This captures a year value from the URL and passes it to the archive view.

Step 7: Named URL Patterns

Each URL pattern can be given a unique name using the name parameter. This allows you to reverse URL patterns in templates or views:

            path('about/', views.about, name='about'),

In a template, you can generate the URL dynamically:

            <a href="{% url 'about' %}">About Us</a>

Step 8: Example of a Complete URL Configuration

Here is a full example:

            from django.contrib import admin
            from django.urls import path, include
            from myapp import views

            urlpatterns = [
                path('', views.home, name='home'),
                path('about/', views.about, name='about'),
                path('blog/', include('blog.urls')),  # Include URLs from the blog app
                path('post//', views.post_detail, name='post_detail'),


Routing URLs using is an essential part of building Django applications. It allows you to map URLs to views, handle dynamic URLs, and modularize routing for scalability. With Django's simple yet powerful URL routing system, managing application navigation becomes straightforward and efficient.
