Preparing for Production in Flask


Preparing a Flask application for production involves setting up secure and optimized configurations. This includes configuring a dedicated file for production settings and using environment variables to manage sensitive data securely.

In this article, we will go through the steps to prepare your Flask application for production with real examples.

Step 1: Setting Up the File

Flask applications benefit from a centralized configuration file that separates development and production settings. Create a file in your project directory:

            import os

            class Config:
                SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY', 'default_secret_key')
                SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL', 'sqlite:///default.db')
                DEBUG = False

            class DevelopmentConfig(Config):
                DEBUG = True

            class ProductionConfig(Config):
                DEBUG = False
                TESTING = False

In this example, we have defined a base Config class and specific classes for development and production.

Step 2: Applying the Configuration

Update your Flask application to use the file:

            from flask import Flask
            from config import DevelopmentConfig, ProductionConfig

            app = Flask(__name__)

            # Use the appropriate configuration based on the environment
            environment = os.environ.get('FLASK_ENV', 'development')
            if environment == 'production':

            def home():
                return "Welcome to the Flask App!"

This setup allows you to switch configurations based on the FLASK_ENV environment variable.

Step 3: Using Environment Variables

Environment variables provide a secure way to manage sensitive data such as API keys, database URLs, and secret keys. Create a .env file in your project:


Use the python-dotenv package to load these variables:

            pip install python-dotenv

Update your application to load environment variables:

            from dotenv import load_dotenv
            import os


            app = Flask(__name__)

Step 4: Configuring Logging

Set up logging for production to monitor your application's behavior:

            import logging
            from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler

            if not app.debug:
                handler = RotatingFileHandler('error.log', maxBytes=10000, backupCount=3)

This will log errors to a file named error.log.

Step 5: Deploying to a Production Server

Use a production server like Gunicorn or uWSGI to deploy your Flask application. For example, install Gunicorn:

            pip install gunicorn

Run your application with Gunicorn:

            gunicorn -w 4 app:app

Here, -w 4 specifies 4 worker processes.

Step 6: Securing the Application

Ensure your application is served over HTTPS in production. Use services like Nginx or Apache to handle SSL/TLS certificates.


Preparing a Flask application for production involves configuring a file, using environment variables for sensitive data, and deploying the app on a production server. Following these steps ensures your application is secure, optimized, and ready for deployment.
