Closures in JavaScript

In JavaScript, closures are a powerful feature that allows a function to retain access to its lexical scope even after the outer function has completed. Closures enable data encapsulation, private variables, and function factories. In this article, we'll explore what closures are, how they work, and provide examples to illustrate their use.

1. What is a Closure?

A closure is created when a function is defined inside another function, and the inner function retains access to the outer function's variables. This allows the inner function to remember the environment in which it was created, even after the outer function has finished executing.

In simple terms, a closure is a function that "remembers" its outer function's variables and can access them later.

          function outer() {
              let outerVariable = "I am from outer function!";
              function inner() {
                  console.log(outerVariable);  // Accessing outerVariable from outer function
              return inner;

          const closureFunction = outer();
          closureFunction();  // Output: I am from outer function!

2. Example: Basic Closure

Let’s look at a basic example where a closure is created, and the inner function retains access to the variable from the outer function.

          function outer() {
              let message = "Hello from the outer function!";
              function inner() {
              return inner;

          const closure = outer();
          closure();  // Output: Hello from the outer function!

In this example, the inner function has access to the message variable defined in the outer function, even after outer has finished executing. This behavior is the essence of a closure.

3. Example: Using Closures for Private Variables

Closures are often used to create private variables, providing a way to encapsulate data that cannot be accessed directly from outside the function. This technique is useful for data privacy and security in JavaScript.

          function createCounter() {
              let count = 0;  // count is a private variable

              return {
                  increment: function() {
                  decrement: function() {
                  getCount: function() {
                      return count;

          const counter = createCounter();
          counter.increment();  // Output: 1
          counter.increment();  // Output: 2
          counter.decrement();  // Output: 1
          console.log(counter.getCount());  // Output: 1

In this example, the count variable is private and can only be accessed through the methods increment, decrement, and getCount. The closure allows the inner functions to access and modify count, while it remains hidden from the outside.

4. Example: Returning Functions from Functions

Closures can be used to return functions from other functions. This pattern allows the creation of dynamic functions based on arguments passed to the outer function.

          function multiplier(factor) {
              return function(number) {
                  return number * factor;

          const double = multiplier(2);
          const triple = multiplier(3);

          console.log(double(5));  // Output: 10
          console.log(triple(5));  // Output: 15

Here, the multiplier function returns a new function that multiplies its argument by the factor. Each time multiplier is called, it creates a closure that "remembers" the factor value.

5. Example: Closures and Loops

When closures are used within loops, it’s important to understand how they capture variables. Here’s an example showing how closures interact with loop variables.

          let funcs = [];

          for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
              funcs.push(function() {

          funcs[0]();  // Output: 0
          funcs[1]();  // Output: 1
          funcs[2]();  // Output: 2

In this example, the loop uses the let keyword, so each closure captures its own instance of i. As a result, when the functions are called, they log the correct values (0, 1, and 2).

If we had used var instead of let, all closures would capture the same value of i (the final value after the loop completes), resulting in unexpected behavior.

6. Example: Closures and Event Handlers

Closures are often used in event handling. They can allow you to retain access to variables that are no longer in scope after an event occurs.

          function buttonHandler(buttonId) {
              let message = "Button " + buttonId + " clicked!";
              document.getElementById(buttonId).addEventListener("click", function() {
                  console.log(message);  // Accesses message from the closure

          // Assuming there are buttons with ids "button1", "button2", "button3"

In this example, each button handler has a closure that retains the message specific to the button, even after the buttonHandler function has finished executing. When the button is clicked, the closure still has access to the message variable.


Closures are a key feature of JavaScript that allow inner functions to access variables from their outer functions, even after the outer function has completed. They provide powerful capabilities for creating private data, managing state, and returning dynamic functions. Understanding closures is essential for writing efficient and maintainable JavaScript code.
