Using the with Statement in Python

The with statement in Python is used to wrap the execution of a block of code. It is commonly used to ensure that resources are properly managed, like file handling or database connections, by automatically managing setup and cleanup tasks. This article will explore how the with statement works and its common use cases.

What is the with Statement?

The with statement is used to wrap the execution of a block of code within a context manager. A context manager is a type of object that defines methods to handle setup and cleanup actions. When using with, you don’t need to explicitly manage resources like opening or closing files, because the context manager takes care of these tasks.

Basic Syntax of the with Statement

    with expression as variable:
        # Code block

In this syntax, expression evaluates to a context manager, and variable is the object returned by the context manager. The code block following the with statement is executed within this context.

Example 1: Using with for File Handling

One of the most common uses of the with statement is for file handling. The open() function in Python returns a file object that can be used as a context manager, which automatically closes the file when done, even if an error occurs.

    with open('example.txt', 'w') as file:
        file.write('Hello, world!')

In this example, we open a file named example.txt in write mode and write "Hello, world!" to it. The with statement ensures that the file is properly closed after the block of code is executed, even if an exception occurs within the block.


  • open('example.txt', 'w'): Opens the file in write mode.
  • as file: The file object is assigned to the variable file.
  • The file is automatically closed after the block of code finishes executing.


If you open example.txt, you will see the content "Hello, world!" written to the file.

Example 2: Using with for Database Connections

The with statement is also useful for database connections. It ensures that resources like connections and cursors are properly closed after the operations are complete, even in case of errors.

    import sqlite3

    with sqlite3.connect('database.db') as conn:
        cursor = conn.cursor()
        cursor.execute('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT)')
        cursor.execute("INSERT INTO users (name) VALUES ('Alice')")

In this example, we use the sqlite3.connect() method to create a connection to a SQLite database. The with statement automatically commits the changes and closes the connection after the block of code is executed.


  • sqlite3.connect('database.db'): Creates a connection to the database.
  • with ensures that the connection is committed and closed after the operations.
  • conn.commit(): Commits the changes to the database.


The table users is created if it doesn't exist, and a new user with the name "Alice" is added to the table.

Example 3: Creating a Custom Context Manager

You can create your own custom context managers using the contextlib module. A custom context manager allows you to define specific setup and teardown actions for your code block.

    from contextlib import contextmanager

    def my_context_manager():
        print('Entering the context')
        print('Exiting the context')

    with my_context_manager():
        print('Inside the context')

In this example, the my_context_manager function is a context manager defined using the @contextmanager decorator from the contextlib module. The yield statement divides the setup and teardown actions of the context manager.


  • @contextmanager: This decorator makes the function a context manager.
  • yield: The function’s execution is paused at yield and resumed after the block of code finishes.
  • The context manager prints messages when entering and exiting the context.


    Entering the context
    Inside the context
    Exiting the context

Why Use the with Statement?

The with statement is used for handling resources in a clean and efficient way. It simplifies the management of resources by handling tasks such as:

  • Automatically acquiring and releasing resources (like opening and closing files or database connections).
  • Handling exceptions by ensuring proper cleanup after execution.
  • Making your code more readable and concise.


The with statement is a powerful feature in Python that ensures resources are properly managed by automatically handling setup and cleanup operations. It is particularly useful for file handling, database connections, and other cases where resources need to be managed efficiently. By using the with statement, you can write more concise, readable, and error-free code.
