Setting up Redux with a React Application in React JS

Redux is a popular state management library used with React to manage the state of an application in a predictable way. It provides a centralized store to manage application-level state and enables components to access and modify the state consistently. In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up Redux with a React application.

1. Installing Redux and React-Redux

To begin using Redux with a React application, you need to install two essential packages: redux and react-redux.


          npm install redux react-redux

- redux: The core Redux library that provides the functionality to manage the state.

- react-redux: The official library for integrating Redux with React. It provides hooks like useSelector and useDispatch to interact with the Redux store in a React-friendly way.

2. Creating Redux Store

Once the packages are installed, the next step is to create a Redux store. A store holds the state of your application and allows you to dispatch actions that modify that state.

Example 1: Creating a Redux Store

          import { createStore } from 'redux';

          // Initial state
          const initialState = {
            count: 0

          // Reducer function
          const counterReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
            switch (action.type) {
              case 'INCREMENT':
                return { count: state.count + 1 };
              case 'DECREMENT':
                return { count: state.count - 1 };
                return state;

          // Create Redux store
          const store = createStore(counterReducer);

In the example above, we define a reducer function counterReducer that handles two actions: INCREMENT and DECREMENT. The state holds a count property, and the reducer updates it based on the dispatched action.

3. Providing Redux Store to the Application

To use the Redux store across your React components, you must wrap your root component with the Provider component from react-redux. This makes the Redux store accessible to the entire component tree.

Example 2: Wrapping Root Component with Provider

          import React from 'react';
          import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
          import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
          import { createStore } from 'redux';
          import App from './App';

          // Reducer
          const counterReducer = (state = { count: 0 }, action) => {
            switch (action.type) {
              case 'INCREMENT':
                return { count: state.count + 1 };
              case 'DECREMENT':
                return { count: state.count - 1 };
                return state;

          // Store
          const store = createStore(counterReducer);

          // Render app with provider

Here, we use the Provider component to pass the Redux store down to all components in the App component. Now, all child components can access the Redux store and dispatch actions to modify the state.

4. Connecting React Components to Redux

To interact with the Redux store inside your React components, you need to use the useSelector hook to read the state, and the useDispatch hook to dispatch actions to modify the state.

Example 3: Accessing Redux Store in a Component

          import React from 'react';
          import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

          const Counter = () => {
            const count = useSelector((state) => state.count); // Access count from Redux store
            const dispatch = useDispatch(); // Get dispatch function

            return (

Count: {count}

); }; export default Counter;

In this example, we use the useSelector hook to get the current value of the count from the Redux store, and the useDispatch hook to dispatch INCREMENT and DECREMENT actions when the buttons are clicked.

5. Using Redux DevTools

Redux provides an excellent debugging tool called Redux DevTools, which helps you inspect actions and state changes in your application. To use Redux DevTools, simply enable it in your store creation.

Example 4: Enabling Redux DevTools

          import { createStore } from 'redux';

          const counterReducer = (state = { count: 0 }, action) => {
            switch (action.type) {
              case 'INCREMENT':
                return { count: state.count + 1 };
              case 'DECREMENT':
                return { count: state.count - 1 };
                return state;

          const store = createStore(
            window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__ && window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__()

In the code above, we enable Redux DevTools extension in the browser by adding window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION__() when creating the store. This will allow you to inspect actions, state changes, and even perform time-travel debugging in the browser.

6. Conclusion

Redux is a powerful state management tool for large-scale React applications, providing a predictable way to manage and share state across components. By setting up Redux with React, you can centralize the state of your app and manage it in a way that makes debugging and scaling your app much easier.

In this article, we have covered the basic steps to set up Redux in a React application, including:

  • Installing the necessary Redux packages
  • Creating a Redux store
  • Providing the store to the React application
  • Accessing the store and dispatching actions using React-Redux hooks
  • Using Redux DevTools for debugging

With this knowledge, you can start using Redux in your React applications to manage state more efficiently.
