Merging and Appending Queries in Power Query

When working with large datasets in Excel, Power Query allows you to merge and append queries to combine multiple data sources into one unified table. This tutorial will guide you through the process of merging and appending queries using Power Query with real-time examples.

Step-by-Step Tutorial

Step 1: Opening Power Query Editor

To start using Power Query, you first need to load the data into the Power Query Editor:

  1. Open Excel and go to the "Data" tab.
  2. Click "Get Data" in the "Get & Transform Data" section.
  3. Choose your data source. For example, you can select "From File" and then "From Workbook" or "From Text/CSV" to load data from a file.
  4. Select the data and click "Load" to open the data in the Power Query Editor.

Step 2: Merging Queries

Merging queries allows you to combine data from two or more tables based on a common column. Here's how to merge queries:

Example 1: Merging Customer and Sales Data

Scenario: You have two datasets, one for customer information and one for sales transactions. You want to combine these tables using the "Customer ID" column.

  1. In the Power Query Editor, click "Home" and then "Merge Queries".
  2. In the "Merge Queries" dialog box, select the first table (e.g., "Customer Data") and the second table (e.g., "Sales Data").
  3. Select the common column to match the data (e.g., "Customer ID") in both tables.
  4. Choose the type of join you want, such as "Inner Join", "Left Outer Join", or "Full Outer Join" depending on how you want to combine the data.
  5. Click "OK" to merge the queries.

Step 3: Appending Queries

Appending queries allows you to stack data from multiple tables with the same structure into a single table. Here's how to append queries:

Example 2: Appending Monthly Sales Data

Scenario: You have monthly sales data in multiple files, and you want to combine all the data into a single table.

  1. In the Power Query Editor, click "Home" and then "Append Queries".
  2. In the "Append Queries" dialog box, select "Append Queries as New" to create a new query for the combined data.
  3. Choose the tables (e.g., "January Sales", "February Sales", "March Sales") you want to append together.
  4. Click "OK" to append the queries and combine the monthly data into a single table.

Step 4: Loading the Combined Data

Once you have merged or appended your queries, you can load the transformed data back into Excel for further analysis:

  1. Click "Close & Load" in the Power Query Editor.
  2. Choose whether to load the data into a new worksheet or an existing worksheet in Excel.

Real-Time Examples

Example 1: Merging Product and Sales Data

Scenario: You have two tables: one contains product details (e.g., "Product ID", "Product Name") and the other contains sales data (e.g., "Product ID", "Sales Amount"). You want to merge the two tables based on the "Product ID" column to analyze sales by product.

  1. In Power Query, click "Merge Queries" and select the two tables: "Product Data" and "Sales Data".
  2. Select "Product ID" as the common column to match in both tables.
  3. Choose "Inner Join" to include only rows with matching "Product ID"s.
  4. Click "OK" to merge the tables, and you’ll have a new table with product and sales data combined.

Example 2: Appending Employee Data from Multiple Locations

Scenario: You have separate files for employee data from three different office locations, and you want to append them into a single table for analysis.

  1. In Power Query, click "Append Queries" and select "Append Queries as New".
  2. Select the three employee data tables for the different locations (e.g., "New York", "Chicago", "Los Angeles").
  3. Click "OK" to append the data and combine all employee records into one table.

Tips for Using Merging and Appending Queries

  • When merging queries, be sure the common column has the same name and data type in both tables for a successful match.
  • For appending queries, ensure the tables you are combining have the same structure (e.g., same number of columns and compatible data types).
  • If you are merging large datasets, consider using the "Left Outer Join" to preserve all records from the first table and matching records from the second table.
  • After appending, use the "Remove Duplicates" feature if you want to eliminate any repeated rows that might occur during the process.


Merging and appending queries are powerful techniques in Power Query that allow you to combine data from multiple sources or tables into a single, unified dataset. By following this tutorial and applying the real-time examples, you can easily manage and analyze large data sets in Excel. These techniques save time, improve accuracy, and enhance your ability to handle complex data analysis tasks.
