Block, Inline, Inline-Block, None in CSS

In CSS, the display property is used to define how an element is displayed on the webpage. Different values for the display property, such as block, inline, inline-block, and none, control the layout and behavior of elements. Understanding these values is key to mastering CSS layout and positioning.

1. Block Elements

Block-level elements take up the full width of their parent container and always start on a new line. They stack vertically and push other content below them. Common block-level elements include <div>, <h1>, <p>, and <ul>.

The syntax for defining a block element is:

display: block;

This makes the element behave as a block-level element. Block elements are useful for creating containers, structuring the page, and controlling the flow of content.

Example 1: Block Element

            div {
              display: block;
              background-color: lightblue;
              padding: 20px;

In this example, the div element is explicitly set to block. It takes up the full width of the parent container and creates a visual block with a light blue background and padding.

2. Inline Elements

Inline elements only take up as much width as their content requires. They do not start on a new line and are laid out horizontally within their parent container. Examples of inline elements include <span>, <a>, and <strong>.

The syntax for defining an inline element is:

display: inline;

This makes the element behave as an inline element, which does not break the flow of content and is placed alongside other inline elements.

Example 2: Inline Element

            span {
              display: inline;
              background-color: yellow;
              padding: 5px;

In this example, the span element is set to inline. It only takes up as much space as the text it wraps, and does not disrupt the layout of surrounding content. The background color and padding apply only to the content inside the span.

3. Inline-Block Elements

The inline-block value combines the characteristics of both block and inline elements. Like inline elements, inline-block elements do not start on a new line, but they can accept width and height properties, which inline elements cannot. This makes inline-block ideal for layout designs where elements need to be placed inline but still need block-like styling features.

The syntax for defining an inline-block element is:

display: inline-block;

This makes the element behave like an inline element in terms of flow, but allows it to have block-level styling properties, such as width, height, and margins.

Example 3: Inline-Block Element

            div {
              display: inline-block;
              width: 200px;
              height: 100px;
              background-color: lightgreen;
              margin: 10px;

In this example, the div element is set to inline-block. It appears inline with other elements, but it can have a defined width, height, and margin, which gives it block-like properties.

4. None (Hidden Elements)

The none value for the display property hides an element from the layout entirely. The element will not be displayed on the page, and it will not take up any space in the layout. This is useful when you want to remove an element from the page temporarily or when you don't want it to be shown at all.

The syntax for hiding an element is:

display: none;

When an element is set to display: none, it will be completely removed from the document flow, and it will not affect the layout of other elements.

Example 4: Hidden Element

            div.hidden {
              display: none;

In this example, the div element with the class hidden will not be displayed on the page, and it will not take up any space in the layout. This is useful for hiding content dynamically with JavaScript or when you want to keep certain parts of your webpage hidden.

Practical Use Cases

Each of these display properties has its practical use cases:

  • Block: Used for layout containers such as divs, paragraphs, and sectioning elements.
  • Inline: Useful for text elements, links, and other elements that should flow horizontally within a block.
  • Inline-Block: Useful for creating flexible layouts where elements need to be positioned inline but still accept block-level styling.
  • None: Perfect for hiding elements completely, such as navigation menus or sidebars that only appear on hover or other events.


Understanding the different display property values—block, inline, inline-block, and none—is fundamental to controlling the layout of elements in CSS. By using these values effectively, you can design flexible, dynamic web pages that respond well to different screen sizes and user interactions.
