Gap Property for Spacing in CSS

The gap property in CSS is used to create consistent spacing between grid or flex items. This property is a shorthand for controlling the spacing between rows and columns in a grid layout or between items in a flexbox layout. It makes it easier to add spacing without the need for margins or padding on individual items.

1. Using Gap in CSS Grid

When using a CSS Grid layout, the gap property controls the space between the grid items. By default, the gap is applied to both rows and columns, but you can also control them separately using row-gap and column-gap.

Example 1: Basic Grid Layout with Gap

            .grid-container {
              display: grid;
              grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
              gap: 20px;
          <div class="grid-container">
            <div>Item 1</div>
            <div>Item 2</div>
            <div>Item 3</div>
            <div>Item 4</div>
            <div>Item 5</div>
            <div>Item 6</div>

In this example:

  • The grid-container has three columns, and each item is spaced by 20px from its neighboring item in both rows and columns.

Example 2: Custom Row and Column Gaps

            .grid-container {
              display: grid;
              grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
              row-gap: 30px;
              column-gap: 10px;
          <div class="grid-container">
            <div>Item 1</div>
            <div>Item 2</div>
            <div>Item 3</div>
            <div>Item 4</div>
            <div>Item 5</div>
            <div>Item 6</div>

In this example:

  • The row-gap is set to 30px (space between rows), and the column-gap is set to 10px (space between columns).

2. Using Gap in Flexbox

The gap property can also be used in a Flexbox layout to control the spacing between flex items. It makes creating responsive and evenly spaced flex layouts easier.

Example 1: Basic Flex Layout with Gap

            .flex-container {
              display: flex;
              gap: 20px;
          <div class="flex-container">
            <div>Item 1</div>
            <div>Item 2</div>
            <div>Item 3</div>

In this example:

  • The flex-container has three items with a consistent gap of 20px between each of them.

Example 2: Using Gap with Flex Direction

            .flex-container {
              display: flex;
              flex-direction: column;
              gap: 15px;
          <div class="flex-container">
            <div>Item 1</div>
            <div>Item 2</div>
            <div>Item 3</div>

In this example:

  • The flex-direction is set to column, and the gap between items is 15px vertically.

3. Gap in Nested Containers

You can also apply the gap property to nested flex or grid containers, creating space between items inside the nested layout.

Example 1: Nested Grid Layout

            .outer-grid {
              display: grid;
              grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
              gap: 20px;
            .inner-grid {
              display: grid;
              grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
              gap: 10px;
          <div class="outer-grid">
              Outer Item 1
              <div class="inner-grid">
                <div>Inner Item 1</div>
                <div>Inner Item 2</div>
            <div>Outer Item 2</div>

In this example:

  • The outer grid has a 20px gap between its items, and the inner grid has a 10px gap between its items.


The gap property is a simple yet powerful tool for controlling the spacing between items in both grid and flexbox layouts. It eliminates the need for using margins on individual items, making your code cleaner and easier to maintain. By mastering the gap property, you can easily create well-spaced layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and design requirements.
