Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, Sticky, Z-Index, and Stacking Context in CSS

In CSS, positioning properties allow you to control the layout of elements on a web page. The values for the position property—static, relative, absolute, fixed, and sticky—determine how elements are positioned in relation to their parent containers or the viewport. Additionally, z-index and stacking context help control the layering of overlapping elements.

1. Static Positioning

By default, all elements in HTML have a position value of static. This means that the element is positioned according to the normal document flow. It is not affected by top, right, bottom, or left properties. Static positioning is the default and is useful when you do not need to alter the flow of elements.

The syntax for static positioning is:

position: static;

Example of static positioning:

            div {
              position: static;
              background-color: lightcoral;
              padding: 20px;

Here, the div element will follow the normal flow of the document, without any alterations to its position.

2. Relative Positioning

With relative positioning, the element is positioned relative to its normal position in the document flow. It still occupies space in the layout, but you can use the top, right, bottom, and left properties to adjust its position from where it would normally be.

The syntax for relative positioning is:

position: relative;

Example of relative positioning:

            div {
              position: relative;
              top: 20px;
              left: 30px;
              background-color: lightgreen;
              padding: 20px;

Here, the div is positioned 20px down and 30px to the right from its normal position.

3. Absolute Positioning

With absolute positioning, the element is removed from the document flow, and positioned relative to its nearest positioned ancestor. If no such ancestor exists, it will be positioned relative to the <html> element (the root element). It is commonly used to position elements within containers, such as modals, dropdowns, or tooltips.

The syntax for absolute positioning is:

position: absolute;

Example of absolute positioning:

            .container {
              position: relative;
              width: 300px;
              height: 200px;
              background-color: lightblue;

            .box {
              position: absolute;
              top: 10px;
              left: 20px;
              width: 100px;
              height: 50px;
              background-color: lightyellow;

In this example, the box element is positioned 10px from the top and 20px from the left of its parent container, which has a relative position.

4. Fixed Positioning

With fixed positioning, the element is positioned relative to the viewport. It does not move when the page is scrolled, making it useful for creating sticky headers, footers, or floating buttons.

The syntax for fixed positioning is:

position: fixed;

Example of fixed positioning:

            div {
              position: fixed;
              bottom: 10px;
              right: 10px;
              background-color: lightgray;
              padding: 20px;

Here, the div element will always stay at the bottom right of the viewport, even when the page is scrolled.

5. Sticky Positioning

With sticky positioning, an element behaves like a relative element until it reaches a defined threshold in the viewport, at which point it becomes "stuck" and behaves like a fixed element. This is commonly used for sticky headers or elements that should scroll with the page until a certain point.

The syntax for sticky positioning is:

position: sticky;

Example of sticky positioning:

            header {
              position: sticky;
              top: 0;
              background-color: lightpink;
              padding: 10px;

In this example, the header element will scroll with the page until it reaches the top of the viewport, where it will become "stuck" at the top.

6. Z-Index and Stacking Context

The z-index property determines the stacking order of elements on the page. Elements with a higher z-index value will be stacked on top of elements with a lower z-index value. The z-index property only works on positioned elements (elements with a position value other than static).

Example of z-index:

            div {
              position: absolute;
              width: 100px;
              height: 100px;

            .box1 {
              background-color: lightblue;
              z-index: 1;

            .box2 {
              background-color: lightgreen;
              z-index: 2;

In this example, the box2 element will be displayed above the box1 element due to its higher z-index value.

Stacking Context: A stacking context is a concept in CSS where elements are stacked in a certain order based on their z-index values. When an element creates a stacking context, its children elements are stacked relative to each other. Elements outside of that context are stacked independently.


Understanding how to use positioning and z-index effectively is crucial in web design. By using the correct positioning method—static, relative, absolute, fixed, or sticky—you can control the layout and interaction of elements on the page. The z-index property helps you manage overlapping elements, ensuring a proper stacking order.
