Condition Master Data: Discounts, Surcharges, Taxes in SAP SD

In SAP SD (Sales and Distribution), Condition Master Data is crucial for managing pricing elements such as discounts, surcharges, and taxes. These conditions are maintained in the system to define how the price of a material or service is adjusted during a sales transaction. Proper management of condition data ensures accurate pricing and billing for customers, based on their agreements and the applicable tax regulations.

What is Condition Master Data?

Condition Master Data is used to define the terms and rules under which prices, discounts, surcharges, and taxes are applied to sales transactions. It forms the foundation for the pricing process in SAP SD. There are several types of conditions that can be defined:

  • Discounts: These are reductions applied to the price of goods or services, often based on customer agreements or sales promotions.
  • Surcharges: Additional charges that are added to the base price, such as shipping or handling fees.
  • Taxes: Taxes are calculated based on the applicable tax laws and are applied to the price of the goods or services.

Steps to Create and Configure Condition Master Data in SAP SD

Let's go through the steps to configure and create Condition Master Data for a product, specifically for a discount, surcharge, and tax condition in a real-world example. We will create a condition for a "Laptop" product where:

  • Discount: 10% discount on the price for the customer.
  • Surcharge: 5% surcharge for shipping and handling.
  • Tax: 15% sales tax based on the country of sale.

Step 1: Create Condition Types

Condition types define the type of condition being applied (e.g., discount, surcharge, or tax). These need to be configured in the system before creating condition records.

  1. Enter Transaction Code: Use transaction code "SPRO" to access the SAP Customizing menu.
  2. Navigate to Pricing: In the menu, go to IMG → Sales and Distribution → Basic Functions → Pricing → Pricing Control → Define Condition Types.
  3. Create Condition Types: Select the option to create a new condition type and enter the following details:
    • Condition Type for Discount: ZDIS (Discount 10%)
    • Condition Type for Surcharge: ZSUR (Surcharge 5%)
    • Condition Type for Tax: ZTAX (Sales Tax 15%)
  4. Save Condition Types: Save the new condition types after entering all necessary details.

Step 2: Create Condition Records

Now, let's create the actual condition records for the discount, surcharge, and tax to define the values applied in the sales process.

  1. Enter Transaction Code: Use transaction code "VK11" to create condition records.
  2. Select Condition Type: Select the condition type you want to create a record for (e.g., ZDIS for Discount).
  3. Enter Key Combination: Choose the key combination based on which the condition will be applied. Typically, this might be based on the customer and material or customer and sales organization. For example:
    • Key Combination for Discount: Customer/Material
    • Key Combination for Surcharge: Customer/Material
    • Key Combination for Tax: Sales Organization/Country
  4. Enter Condition Data: Enter the discount, surcharge, or tax value as per the condition type:
    • Discount Condition Record: Enter 10% discount for the customer and material.
    • Surcharge Condition Record: Enter a 5% surcharge for the customer and material.
    • Tax Condition Record: Enter 15% sales tax for the sales organization and country.
  5. Save Condition Record: After entering the values, click "Save" to store the condition record in the system.

Step 3: Apply Conditions in Sales Order

Once the condition types and records have been created, they can be applied during the sales order creation process. The system will automatically pull the applicable conditions for the material and customer.

  1. Enter Transaction Code: Use transaction code "VA01" to create a new sales order.
  2. Enter Sales Order Details: Select the customer, sales organization, and material (e.g., Laptop). Enter the quantity of the product.
  3. Check Condition Records: After entering the sales order details, the system will automatically apply the conditions for discount, surcharge, and tax based on the customer and material.
  4. Verify Pricing: Navigate to the "Conditions" tab in the sales order and verify that the following are applied:
    • 10% Discount (ZDIS)
    • 5% Surcharge (ZSUR)
    • 15% Tax (ZTAX)
  5. Save Sales Order: Once everything is confirmed, save the sales order.

Step 4: Review the Sales Order and Pricing

After saving the sales order, you can review the total pricing, including discounts, surcharges, and taxes applied. The pricing conditions are displayed in the "Conditions" tab in the sales order.

  1. Enter Transaction Code: Use transaction code "VA03" to display the sales order.
  2. Check the Conditions Tab: In the sales order, navigate to the "Conditions" tab, where you can see all applied conditions:
    • Discount: 10%
    • Surcharge: 5%
    • Tax: 15%
  3. Confirm the Pricing: The final price will include the applied discount, surcharge, and tax. Review the final pricing breakdown to ensure that everything is correctly applied.

Exercise: Modify Pricing Conditions

Now let’s modify the pricing conditions for the "Laptop" product in the sales order. We will change the discount to 15%, surcharge to 3%, and tax to 10%.

Steps to Modify Pricing Conditions:

  1. Enter Transaction Code: Use transaction code "VK12" to modify the condition records.
  2. Select Condition Type: Select the condition type (e.g., ZDIS for Discount).
  3. Modify Condition Record: Change the discount value from 10% to 15%. Similarly, change the surcharge to 3% and tax to 10%.
  4. Save the Modified Record: Save the changes after modifying the condition records.
  5. Check Updated Sales Order: Go to the sales order and check the updated conditions applied in the "Conditions" tab.

Important Considerations for Condition Master Data

  • Condition Types: Ensure the correct condition types (discount, surcharge, tax) are defined for your sales processes.
  • Key Combinations: The right key combination should be selected to link the conditions to the appropriate sales scenarios (e.g., customer/material, sales organization/country).
  • Condition Records Maintenance: Regularly update and maintain condition records to reflect changes in pricing, taxes, or surcharges.
  • Tax Configuration: Ensure that tax rates are correctly configured according to local regulations, as tax calculations are crucial for accurate billing.


Condition Master Data in SAP SD plays a vital role in determining the pricing structure for sales transactions. By configuring and maintaining condition records for discounts, surcharges, and taxes, businesses can ensure that the pricing is accurate and in line with customer agreements and legal requirements. The steps outlined in this tutorial demonstrate how to create and apply these conditions in the system, providing a practical approach to managing pricing in SAP SD.
