Overview of Document Splitting for Segment-Wise Reporting in SAP FICO

In SAP FICO, document splitting is a feature that enables segment-wise reporting by dividing financial transactions into different segments such as profit centers, business areas, or segments as per accounting standards like IFRS. This functionality helps generate detailed financial reports, allowing companies to track financial performance across various segments, improving the quality and accuracy of financial reporting. This article explains the steps involved in setting up and using document splitting for segment-wise reporting in SAP FICO.

What is Document Splitting in SAP FICO?

Document splitting in SAP FICO is a method that allows for segment-wise allocation of amounts within financial documents. This helps in maintaining the balance of financial entries for different accounting segments, such as profit centers, business areas, or segments. Document splitting ensures that entries are properly reflected for each segment, even when a single document involves multiple accounting entities. This feature is particularly important for segment reporting under international standards like IFRS, which require separate reporting for each segment.

Benefits of Document Splitting

  • Improved Segment Reporting: Allows businesses to generate detailed segment-wise financial statements and reports, such as profit and loss statements by segment.
  • Compliance with Accounting Standards: Ensures compliance with standards like IFRS, which require reporting by segment.
  • Accurate Allocation: Ensures accurate allocation of financial data across various segments, such as profit centers, cost centers, and business areas.
  • Better Insights: Facilitates better business decision-making by providing detailed financial information at the segment level.

Steps to Set Up Document Splitting for Segment-Wise Reporting in SAP FICO

Step 1: Access the SAP Customizing Implementation Guide (IMG)

Document splitting configuration is done through the SAP IMG. Follow these steps to access the customization options:

  • Go to the SAP Easy Access screen.
  • Enter transaction code SPRO to open the SAP Reference IMG.
  • Navigate to Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Document Splitting.

Step 2: Define Document Splitting Settings

The first step in setting up document splitting is to define the settings for document splitting. This configuration determines how the financial transactions will be split based on segments such as profit centers and business areas.

  • Navigate to Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Document Splitting > Define Document Splitting Settings.
  • Click on New Entries to create new document splitting settings.
  • In the Splitting Method field, define the splitting method to be used (e.g., Automatic Splitting or Manual Splitting).
  • Choose the relevant Document Type (e.g., Invoice or Payment) for which splitting is applicable.
  • Click Save to save the document splitting settings.

Step 3: Define the Splitting Characteristics

After defining document splitting settings, the next step is to specify the splitting characteristics. This defines which segments (e.g., profit centers, business areas, or segments) will be used for splitting the financial transactions.

  • Navigate to Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Document Splitting > Define Splitting Characteristics.
  • Click New Entries to define new splitting characteristics.
  • Choose the Segment that will be used for the splitting (e.g., Profit Center, Cost Center, or Segment).
  • For each characteristic, specify the rules for how the amounts will be allocated between the segments (e.g., based on the original document's values or predefined percentage).
  • Click Save to store the splitting characteristics.

Step 4: Activate Document Splitting for the Company Code

Once the splitting method and characteristics are defined, you need to activate document splitting for the company code. This ensures that all transactions posted to the company code are subject to document splitting for segment-wise reporting.

  • Navigate to Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Document Splitting > Activate Document Splitting for Company Code.
  • Enter the Company Code (e.g., 1000) for which document splitting will be activated.
  • Activate the document splitting feature by clicking the Activate button.
  • Click Save to confirm the activation.

Step 5: Assign Splitting Characteristics to the Ledger

In this step, you assign the splitting characteristics to the ledger so that financial data is split accordingly during postings.

  • Navigate to Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Document Splitting > Assign Splitting Characteristics to Ledger.
  • Choose the Ledger (e.g., 0L for the leading ledger or NL1 for a non-leading ledger).
  • Assign the splitting characteristics (e.g., Profit Center, Segment) to the ledger.
  • Click Save to complete the assignment.

Step 6: Testing Document Splitting

After configuring document splitting, it’s important to test the setup to ensure that transactions are correctly split according to the defined segments:

  • Post a test financial transaction (e.g., a journal entry or invoice) that involves multiple segments (e.g., multiple profit centers or cost centers).
  • Verify that the financial document is split correctly across the defined segments in the relevant ledger (e.g., Profit Center 1000 and Profit Center 2000).
  • Check the document split in the document view to ensure that the amounts are allocated properly to each segment, and the balances are correctly maintained.

Example of Document Splitting for Segment-Wise Reporting

Let’s assume a company wants to track sales and expenses across multiple business units. They set up document splitting as follows:

  • Document Type: Invoice.
  • Splitting Characteristic: Profit Center.
  • Splitting Method: Automatic Splitting.
  • Segments: Business Unit 1 and Business Unit 2 (tracked by Profit Center).
  • When an invoice is posted for sales, the system automatically splits the sales revenue between Business Unit 1 and Business Unit 2 based on the defined rules (e.g., 60% to Business Unit 1 and 40% to Business Unit 2).


Document splitting is a powerful feature in SAP FICO that enables segment-wise reporting, which is essential for companies that need to comply with international accounting standards like IFRS. By following the steps outlined in this article, SAP users can configure document splitting for accurate financial reporting, ensuring that transactions are properly allocated to different segments such as profit centers or business areas. This setup improves financial transparency, helps with compliance, and provides valuable insights into the company’s financial performance across different segments.
